Your Dental Questions Answered: Waterside Dental FAQs

We have a lovely team at our practice who will always make you feel at ease, whether you’re a returning patient or it’s your first time with us.

If you cannot get an appointment immediately and have chipped or fractured your tooth, rinse your mouth out with warm water and try your best to keep it clean until you can meet with one of our emergency experts. Depending on the extent of the damage, treatment will usually involve the smoothing out of your damaged tooth/teeth and then bonding it with a tooth-coloured composite of a dental crown. If you have damaged the tooth's nerve, we may need to perform a root canal procedure.

No, orthodontics for adults is becoming more and more common. We can talk through your options with you.

Whitening can be an important part of a smile makeover. We always check the suitability of your teeth, as it may not be recommended for some patients with high sensitivity. It’s important to know that we may not be able to treat all of your teeth: whitening can’t alter the colour of fillings, crowns, veneers, for example. Make an appointment and we can explain and suggest any options open to you.

Veneers and crowns are similar in that they can be made from porcelain or ceramic and can be colour matched to your own teeth. However, a veneer is a very thin layer which is bonded to the front of your tooth, whereas a crown covers the entire tooth. You may need a crown because of the amount of damage or discolouration. Your dentist can advise you on the right course of action for your bespoke needs.

Gums bleed when they are irritated and inflamed which is not considered normal. This is due to plaque (a soft film of bacteria) being left on the teeth which causes inflammation called gingivitis and if not addressed can develop into gum disease. Over time, if not cleaned off through daily brushing and interdental cleaning, the plaque can turn into a hard deposit called tartar or calculus which will require professional scaling by your dentist or hygienist to remove it.

It is important even if your gums bleed they are still brushed to keep the mouth clean otherwise the bacteria build up in the mouth will make gum inflammation worse. After a few days of thorough cleaning, your gums should stop bleeding. If this does not happen you will need to ask the advice of your dental team as you may need professional cleaning. 

A good oral care regime should be able to prevent your gums from bleeding if done correctly. We would always suggest that you have regular examinations at your dentist. This can help diagnose and treat anything unusual in your mouth so you get the correct care and advice.

You may have to use a softer brush whilst the gums are inflamed until they become healthier. It is also important to clean in between teeth daily using interdental brushes or floss.

Smoking can cover up a gum problem as it restricts the blood flow to the mouth. If you have recently given up smoking this could allow the gums to get a better circulation and therefore start to bleed.

You can try using a toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. Rub a little toothpaste into the sensitive area when going to bed as it helps protect the surface.

Try to avoid strongly acidic foods and drinks and wait at least an hour after eating before brushing as this could cause even more sensitivity. Grinding your teeth can also increase sensitivity and a mouth guard maybe necessary.

If the pain continues, speak to your dental team and they may be able to offer further care to reduce your symptoms. A number of things can cause sensitivity and your dental team will be able to identify these and advise the correct care.